Bathers Way Upgrade

A range of concrete specs for this iconic beach upgrade

  • Client


  • Sector

    Civil Construction

  • Location

    Bar Beach, Newcastle

  • Products

    Exposed Aggregate and Coloured Concrete


1500m3 supply of exposed aggregates and coloured concretes for this civil project.

Products consisted of 40MPa Exposed 10mm River Gravel/Blue Metal with Paperbark Oxide, Exposed 20mm River Gravel with Paperbark Oxide, 40MPa Pavement with Paperbark Oxide.
bathers way exposed aggregate concrete

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Our Projects

mcdonald jones homes

McDonald Jones Homes

Partnering with McDonald Jones Homes, Hunter Readymixed Concrete delivers top-quality, durable concrete solutions to elevate home builds across the region, meeting exacting standards and timelines.

exposed aggregate

Knight Frank Building

Supplied a custom exposed aggregate mix for the Knight Frank offices in Newcastle West. Final product was an exposed Basalt and Blue Metal with black oxide colouring.
