Our Quality Concrete Products

Hunter Readymixed Concrete offer the widest range of Special Class and Decorative Concretes in the region.


The right mix of quality and service

With batching plants in 4 locations throughout the Hunter Region and Port Stephens, and a large fleet of modern agitator trucks, we can supply any quantity to your project.


Hunter Readymixed Concrete undertake rigorous testing on the concrete we manufacture to ensure the best quality product is delivered to every project.

Sourcing only the best quality aggregates ensure a consistent finish and the required wear properties.

Our close relationship with NATA accredited testing laboratory Hunter Geotechnical Services means unmatched confidence in stated compressive strength, flexural strengths, and slump characteristics.

thornton batching plant concrete
CMT Laboratory

Hunter Geotechnical Services provide testing to Australian and International standards.

Our group affiliated construction materials testing company, Hunter Geotechnical Services, is on hand to ensure quality and consistency. They offer comprehensive aggregate and quarried product testing to the market and have experience working across multiple industries including civil, commercial, residential and industrial projects.

Learn More

To learn more about what we do and what we can offer your project, please get in touch with our Business Development Manager.
